Allergy Doctor: Can Allergies Weaken Your Immune System

asthma relief

If you are wondering, can allergies weaken your immune system? Yes, they can. If you have been suffering from allergies for a long time and don’t visit an allergy doctor for treatment, you weaken the immune system making you more susceptible to viruses and other germs.

In some cases, your uncontrolled allergies evolve into ear, sinus, or upper respiratory infections.

Fortunately, you can do several things to strengthen your immune system and minimize your risk of getting sick even when you are suffering from allergies. Some of the things you can do include:


Exercising comes with plenty of benefits: prevents arthritis, heart conditions, diabetes, and other conditions. Exercising also enhances and improves the immune system’s different components, so you don’t succumb to diseases.

The cool thing is there are plenty of ways you can exercise. You can go for a walk, join a gym, or find a few friends and be jogging with them.

Proper exercise has also been shown to be an excellent mood and mental booster, vital for a healthy immune system.

If you are susceptible to seasonal allergies, it’s wise you avoid exercising during the peak pollen hours to reduce your exposure.

Practice good hygiene

Try to keep the germs and viruses at bay by washing your hands. You don’t have to get fancy about it. Using soap and hot water is enough. While at it, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Get rid of stress

I know some things are better said than done, but if you want to keep your immune system in top shape, you need to get rid of stress. Other than exercising, other great ways to avoid stress is to meditate and pray.

Remember, nothing good comes from worrying. When you are stress-free, your body is in a more relaxed state, and you feel rejuvenated and more at peace. This gives the body room to make all the necessary immune cells necessary to keep the body healthy and protected.

Eat a balanced diet

Your body can’t make the necessary immune cells when you are malnourished. So always eat a balanced diet. Take foods such as kale, raw honey, leafy greens, garlic, yogurt, cauliflower, and many others.

Avoid taking a lot of sugars as they make you fat and impede your body’s ability to make immune cells.

Get enough rest

As mentioned above, the body makes most of its immune cells when relaxed so ensure you get enough rest to boost your immune system.

When it comes to sleep, ensure you get at least 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day. There are several ways you can make this possible. One of them is getting rid of any distractions when going to bed. For example, avoid using the phone or any other screen when you are in bed.

It’s also advisable you avoid taking caffeine a few hours to bed as this will keep you awake for long hours, and you don’t want this.

Eating too late in the night is also attributed to a lack of sleep. To fall asleep fast, take your supper before 6 in the evening.

Get some sunlight

Sunlight contains vitamin D that is vital for strengthening the immune system. Go outside every day to consume some vitamin D. If you can’t go outside due to the high pollen count, open your house windows for the sunlight to get in.

The cool thing is as you are taking in the sunlight, you also will be taking in the fresh air that keeps you calm and helps you have a healthy immune system.

Get vaccinated

If you can’t get rid of your allergies, get vaccinated against infections or diseases that are often common during that time of the year. Visit an allergy clinic Manassas VA and ask your doctor whether there are any vaccines you can take that are right for you.

Control your allergies

You shouldn’t allow your allergies to go for a long time without being diagnosed or treated. Work closely with your doctor and find out the best way to manage the condition.

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Does It Hurt To Get Allergy Tested?

skin allergies

If you are suffering from any form of allergy, it’s recommended you go for allergy testing. People don’t like pain, so you will often hear them asking, does it hurt to get allergy tested?

The answer to this question is skin prick tests don’t hurt. It feels like a scratch that is often unnoticeable. If taking a young infant for testing, most of them aren’t bothered by the tests, but they might not like having their arm kept still during testing (usually about 5 minutes).

As long as you are getting the test in a reputable clinic, you shouldn’t worry about allergic reactions or anaphylaxis. Although, on rare occasions, you will have symptoms such as runny nose and eyes, which are easily managed by an antihistamine.

If you require a blood test, the test is often uncomfortable as the needle pierces the skin, so it’s common to feel some pain. To ease the discomfort, most doctors apply a numbing cream before taking the blood sample that works as a surface anesthetic.

Like a skin test, a blood test is completely safe when done by a certified phlebotomist. Sometimes the test might leave a small bruise that often improves within a few weeks.

What should you expect during allergy testing?

After taking your medical history, your doctor will choose the site to do the testing. In most cases, the test is done on the forearm, although sometimes the doctor can do it on the back. The doctor begins swabbing the area with alcohol to clean and disinfect the skin before introducing the allergens.

After fifteen minutes of introducing the allergens, the doctor will carefully note the results. If you show no reaction to the allergen, but all the signs point you are allergic to the said allergen, the doctor will recommend you undertake an intradermal test, which is often more accurate.

After the test, the doctor cleans the area with alcohol to remove any traces of the allergens, then you are free to go home.

Undertaking a patch test

If the doctor suspects you are having contact dermatitis or any other similar condition, they will recommend you undertake a patch test. In this test, you wear a patch containing allergens to see how the skin reacts. When wearing the patch, the doctor will advise you to avoid showering or engaging in activities that might cause heavy sweating.

You are supposed to wear the patches for 48 hours, after which you should go back to the doctor, and the doctor will remove the patches and inspect whether the areas in question react.

What to expect during a blood test

If you have had a severe allergic reaction in the past, you have taken medications that might compromise the test results, or you have a condition such as severe eczema, the doctor can’t undertake skin testing. In such a case, there is no way out other than to undertake a blood test.

The good thing with blood tests is they don’t expose you to the allergen, so there is no risk of reacting. They also don’t require you to stop your medication. Doctors take your blood and look for the presence of IgE antibodies.

When having the test, your doctor will clean your skin with alcohol, draw blood with a needle, put a bandage on the injection site, then send you your merry way. You are supposed to wait for a few days, and the clinic will call you to get your results.

The doctor will interpret the results and advise on the way forward.

What to expect during a challenge test

Are you suffering from food allergies? Your doctor may recommend you undertake a challenge test. The test requires you to inhale or ingest a small amount of allergen, and this will help you determine the level of your allergy.

On the day of the test, its recommend you eat little or nothing at all. The doctor will give you the foods they suspect you are allergic to. When you start showing symptoms such as hives, stomach pain, or tingling mouth, the allergy specialist doctor Manassas VA will treat it immediately using antihistamines or other medications.

The doctor will continue giving you food in intervals and observing closely to ensure they don’t miss a thing. Even if you don’t show any signs, most doctors will ask you to stick around for a few hours to watch for a delayed reaction.

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Can You Overcome Allergies By Exposure? Experienced Allergist Answers


You know how vaccines work. You are exposed to attenuated viral or bacterial components, then your body develops antibodies, and as a result, you can’t be affected by the same virus or bacteria in the future. Does it work the same with allergies? Can you overcome allergies by exposure?

The good news is sometimes you can. A 2008 study by Greek researchers found out that children allergic to eggs were able to increase their tolerance when exposed to tiny amounts of the allergen over a substantial amount of time.

While this is the case, you are highly discouraged from doing it at home as you might develop complex complications that can even result in death. You can build tolerance against the allergen, but it has to be done under controlled environments under the supervision of an experienced allergist.

Can you cure allergies by moving to dry climates?

According to the American College of Allergies, Asthma, and Immunology (ACAAI), yes, you can be cured if you are allergic to dust mites that thrive in hot, wet climates and die when the humidity falls below 40%. While this is the case, you should note that if you are allergic to an allergen that is found all over, even moving to the desert won’t make a difference.

Before you relocate, visit an allergy clinic, and the allergy specialist will expose you to different allergens and see which ones trigger an action.

Is it true allergies are uncomfortable but not dangerous?

This is completely false. Allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic diseases in the United States. If you are allergic to shellfish, bees, and peanuts, you risk dying within 15 minutes as a result of anaphylactic shock.

During anaphylactic shock, your immune system releases chemicals that drop the blood pressure and narrow the airways making it hard for you to breathe.

If you don’t treat the allergies early enough, you stand suffering from asthma, chronic coughing, and sinus disease. In some cases, it can end up deadly.

Sometimes parents brush off their children’s allergies, hoping they will go away with time. While they sometimes go away by themselves, doctors observe that this is usually a deadly gamble.

If your child develops frequent attacks, you should visit an allergy expert to undertake allergy tests and determine what your child is allergic to. The child might be allergic to: mold, dust mites, pollen, latex, insect stings, animal dander, medications, and even food.

How true is it that cooked foods don’t trigger allergies?

If you are suffering from oral allergy syndrome, you are allergic to pollens from birch trees, and you can’t handle raw food with proteins similar to those in pollens.

The most common foods people are allergic to are pears, peaches, apples, and cherries. You also might not handle raw hazelnuts, almonds, and strawberries.

Fortunately, when you cook these foods, you don’t have a problem as the heat changes the allergen so you don’t have a problem and you don’t develop the allergies.

Short-haired, hypoallergenic pets don’t cause allergies. How true is that?

First off, there is nothing like a hypoallergenic pet as the allergens don’t just stay in the fur, but in the dander, skin secretions, and saliva as well. All animals, including the hairless ones, have skin and saliva.

Indeed, some dog breeds don’t produce allergy-triggering proteins, so they are less allergic, but this doesn’t mean you won’t react when you come into contact with them.

If you are a pet-loving person and are looking for a short-haired pet, don’t rush into getting one hoping you won’t develop allergies, take a test drive first. Some breeders allow you to take the pet home and see whether you are compatible.

Can you build a tolerance to allergy medications?

No, you can’t. This was the case with older antihistamines, but it’s no longer the case with newer ones. Modern allergy medications are stronger and more effective, and you are less likely to develop tolerance to them.

If you are taking allergy medications and you find it’s no longer working, let your allergy specialist doctor Germantown MD know about it so they can replace them for you. Chances are they gave you the wrong medication for the wrong season.

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I Think I Have Asthma: Asthma Doctor Advises On Signs To Look Out For

According to the Center for disease control and prevention (CDC), asthma affects over 25 million Americans, with 6 million of them being children. This means around 18 million adults have the condition.

When people hear the term asthma, the image of someone experiencing shortness of breath comes to mind, so when someone is unable to breathe even mildly, you will hear them saying, I think I have asthma.

Does it mean when you experience problems breathing you have asthma? According to Asthma doctor, this isn’t the case as shortness of breath can be brought about by plenty of factors, including having a heart condition.

Other than shortness of breath, other signs you should keep an eye on include:

Weird whistling sound when breathing

The wheezing sound comes from the narrowing of airways and air, trying to get out of the body. When you are wheezing, it’s as if you are blowing through a narrowing straw. This sign can be a sign of asthma, or you might be having another medical condition. To be sure, go for a checkup.

You feel tired all the time.

When you have asthma, your body can’t efficiently collect oxygen, and as a result, you feel tired most of the time. If you are overworking without getting enough time to relax or sleep, it’s normal to feel tired most of the time.

If you are dealing with fatigue that seems abnormal, you should talk to your doctor who will diagnose the condition and find out whether you have asthma.

You have a cough that doesn’t go away.

Coughing is a normal bodily function, but when you have a cough that doesn’t go away, you might be having a serious problem, you need to look into.

In most cases, a never-ending cough is due to an irritant that gets into the throat or airways, stimulating nerves that prompt the brain to make the muscles in your chest and abdomen expel air from the lungs with a cough.

You have trouble sleeping.

There are plenty of reasons you might have trouble sleeping, but asthma makes it scary. When you have asthma, you wake suddenly from sleep due to shortness of breath, wheezing, or cough.

While this could be a sign of asthma, it also could be due to anxiety. For clarity, visit a doctor to diagnose the condition and recommend the best mode of action.

You are experiencing severe colds.

When you have a cold, you have a viral respiratory infection, and it tends to be worse for people who have asthma. At the same time, you might be having an underlying medical condition.

If you get obliterated when you have a cold while your friends plow through it, you should flag your doctor to help you diagnose the condition and let you know the underlying causes.

You struggle to catch your breath when working out.

Mayo Clinic refers to this as exercise-induced asthma or exercise-induced bronchoconstriction.

If it has been long since you have been to the gym, it’s normal to get tired, but if you are getting exhausted, chances are you have asthma. Signs you might be having asthma include: wheezing when working out, chest tightness, feeling tired even hours after working out, and feeling out of shape.

You should note that people with “regular” asthma will struggle during exercises just as those suffering from exercise-induced bronchoconstriction.

This is usually because the exercise creates a molecular domino effect that makes the airways get inflamed and produce too much mucus.

You should visit your doctor to determine you have any form of asthma or you are simply out of shape.

See a doctor

As you can see, there are plenty of signs you can look out for to determine whether you have asthma. To tell whether you are truly sick, visit a doctor who will give you a physical examination to examine the general state of your health.

After that, the doctor will undertake spirometry, a type of pulmonary function test used to diagnose lung conditions such as asthma and COPD. The spirometer measures the amount of air you can breathe out in a second and the total volume of air you can exhale in one forced breath.

It’s after the tests, the doctor will recommend the best asthma treatments Manassas VA for your condition.

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Asthma Doctor: 7 Ways To Protect Yourself From Asthma

asthma doctor

Although, Asthma doesn’t have a cure, there are several things you can do to prevent it from coming about or getting worse. Some of the things you can do as given by asthma doctor include:

Identify what triggers the attack.

You can’t protect yourself from an attack if you don’t know what triggers it, so the first thing to do is to find out your asthma triggers. You should note that certain triggers can bring about different symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, and difficulty in breathing.

If you don’t already know what is causing the attacks, start with keeping track of your symptoms in a diary. Monitor the symptoms several weeks keeping in mind about the environmental and emotional factors that you might be going through.

When you experience an attack, go back to your diary and see the factors that might have contributed to it.

When you know your enemies, you have an easy time avoiding them. Some of the popular triggers are allergies, smoke, flu virus, and pollution. So keep a close eye on them.

Allergy proof your surrounding

If your asthma comes about due to exposure to allergens, you should work at keeping your room as allergy-free as much as possible. Some of the ways you can do this include:

  • Change the bed linen regularly and wash your bedsheets and pillow covers in hot water to get rid of dust mites.
  • Install an air purifier (with a certified HEPA filter) that will also play a role at reducing the number of dust mites.
  • Reduce moisture levels in the house using a dehumidifier. Doing this will also prevent mould from forming in your home.
  • Vacuum your floor with a suction cleaner containing a HEPA filter for at least two times a week. This is to prevent dust accumulation in the house.

Develop an action plan with your doctor

Developing an action with your doctor will come in handy at helping you control your asthma. Part of the plan includes documenting the important information of your condition, including your medications, how to handle asthma attacks when they come about, and how to control the condition over the long run.

To help you monitor the severity of the symptoms, most plans separate symptoms in 3 coloured zones: red, yellow, and green.

Get vaccinated against flu.

To protect yourself from the flu virus that is known to worsen asthma symptoms, you should get a flu shot at least once a year. Studies show that people with asthma suffer from flu complications with the most common complications being pneumonia. So by getting vaccinated, you stay on top of the condition, and you prevent asthma from flaring up.


Not just for asthma, physical activity is vital for your overall health. When you engage in physical activities, you maintain a healthy lifestyle which goes a long way towards giving you a strong immune system.

You can engage in any physical activity you want. You can run, swim, jog, play soccer or anything else. To get the most from your exercise, consult your doctor who will help you devise a workout routine that not only gives you the most benefits, but is also safe.

Avoid smoking areas

Most states have designated smoking areas. Smoke and asthma are like water and petrol—they don’t mix. Even by inhaling secondhand smoke, you will trigger an asthmatic attack and block your airways.

To be safe and remain healthy, avoid all sources of smoke. These include: candles, fire, incense, and tobacco. Other tips you can consider include:

  • Avoid smoking in your home or car.
  • Avoid smoking zones in public areas such as a coffee shop.
  • When travelling, opt for a room that doesn’t allow smoking

Always be prepared with your medications.

Asthma medication falls into two categories: medications you regularly take to prevent attacks, and one that gives you quick relief. To be safe, be prepared with all the necessary medications. Whether you have an inhaler, tablet, liquid, or shot, ensure everything is in place all the time. You never know when an attack will strike.


These are some of the ways you can protect yourself from asthma attacks. To avoid complications, be quick to recognize the warning signs and move with haste to take the necessary asthma treatments Manassas VA.

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9 Situations You Have To Hire An Allergy Doctor

Allergy Doctor

Allergy problems such as mild cases of hay fever might not require you to visit an allergy doctor as you can control them with over the counter medications, but severe conditions will require you to see an expert. When should you visit a professional? Here are some of these situations:

Over the counter medications aren’t working.

When having mild symptoms, over the counter medications can make a huge difference, but if you have tried them and they aren’t working, it’s time to see a doctor. If you have mild symptoms and they aren’t going away, one of the main reasons for this is because you aren’t using the medications properly or you are using the wrong ones.

When you visit a doctor, the professional will help you decide which medications work best for you.  The doctor will also teach you how to use the medications properly, so you get the most from them.

You have a cold that doesn’t go away.

A cough resulting due to a cold or virus should clear in a couple of weeks. If you have a cough that persists or shows up consistently in a pattern such as every night or each spring, the chances are that you are suffering from an allergy.

Other than a cold, you should highly consider seeing a doctor if you are having headaches. Even if the headaches are dull, they might be a sign of sinus involvement from allergies, and it’s wise you let a doctor clear it up.

You suffer from diarrhoea after your favourite meal.

When you have diarrhoea, the chances are that you are suffering from food allergies. The doctor will help you determine the food you are allergic to and what you can do to stop it.

You are pregnant

In addition to the common nasal swelling during pregnancy, allergies make congestion worse. The allergist will help you determine whether you are suffering from pregnancy rhinitis or you have allergies.

The doctor will also help you reduce the swelling and recommend the best medication for your condition.

Antibiotics worsen the condition.

When you take a medication, and the condition worsens, you might be suffering from drug allergies. The allergist will do a quick skin test to determine the drug you are allergic to and recommend the best course of action.

You always have itchy eyes in the morning.

If you wake up with itchy eyes or you frequently cough in the middle of the night, you might be allergic to dust mites living in your bed. The allergy doctor will help you determine if that’s the case. The doctor will also help you sleep comfortably.

You feel you are allergic to something in your house.

It’s normal to be allergic to indoor allergies. From dust under the sofa to animal dander in the carpet, they can all make you sick. The allergy expert you visit will help you determine what you are reacting to.

Some of the common causes of indoor allergies are: animal dander, mold, dust mite droppings and cockroach droppings.

The doctor will also advise you on how to properly clean the various parts of the house to reduce exposure and alleviate the symptoms.

What should you expect during the visit?

The doctor will compile your family medical history so you should be knowledgeable about your family medical history. Is there anyone in the family who suffers from allergies? Did you suffer from allergies as a child?

You should be prepared to answer plenty of questions. If you have been using any allergic medications such as sprays, creams, ointments or any others, let the doctor know about it.

Don’t only expect questions from the doctor. Also, come to the meeting prepared with your questions. For example, get to know the causes of your condition. What can you do to make the condition better? What can you expect from the treatment? And any other questions that might help you understand the condition better.

What should you expect after your visit?

During the visit, it’s normal for the allergy specialist doctor Manassas VA to undertake a battery of tests. Depending on the outcome of the results, the doctor will recommend a treatment plan. This can be allergy shots, prescription medications, staying away from the allergy triggers, and lifestyle changes.

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Allergist: 5 Popular Allergy Triggers You Should Be Aware Of

Allergies are brought about by plenty of triggers. Some you might be aware of while others will require you to visit an allergist. The most common triggers are:


It comes from plants such as trees, grasses, and weeds, and it brings about several allergies such as hay fever and seasonal allergies. When you are allergic to pollen, you tend to sneeze, have a stuffy nose and watery eyes.

In most cases, you don’t need to visit a doctor as you can treat the condition using over the counter medications. If you have tried to get rid of the symptoms without success, you should now consider getting allergy shots and prescription drugs from a reputable doctor.

To prevent the symptoms from coming about, stay indoors, especially in windy days when the pollen counts are high. You also should consider closing the windows and run air conditioning.

If you can’t avoid being outdoors, wear protective gear such as sunglasses to protect your eyes and a mask to filter the pollen.

It’s normal for pollen to stick to your clothing and end up in your home. To protect yourself, change the clothes you wore outside as soon as you get in the house.

Dust mites

They are tiny that you can’t see them without a microscope. The symptoms of dust mites are similar to those brought about by pollen, but they happen the entire year round—they aren’t seasonal.

The cool thing is that you can treat dust mite symptoms using decongestants or antihistamines.

To keep dust mites at bay, put dust mite covers over your mattresses, box springs, and pillows. You also should consider using hypoallergenic pillows and wash the sheets weekly in hot water.

Keep all areas of your home, especially under the bed clean at all times and free of any stuff that can collect dust. This includes curtains, stuffed animals, and carpet.

Animal dander

If you have pets, you can’t avoid pet dander.  For those that don’t know, animal dander is the tiny flakes of dead skin that furry animals shed. These could be cats, rodents, birds, dogs, and many others.

In addition to the microscopic skin particles triggering allergies, feces, animal urine and saliva also tend to contain allergic components that you can react to.

When you are allergic to animal dander, you experience itchiness in the eyes, skin rash, and nasal discharge. If you have a pre-existing condition such as rhinitis, eczema, and asthma, you may experience worse symptoms.

If you are allergic to pet dander, you can still keep your pet, but you should be ready to put in some extra work. To minimize the amount of dander in the house, give your pet regular baths to clean off as much dander as possible.

You also should regularly change and wash your beddings. Also periodically vacuum the floor and furniture.


Molds are tiny fungi with spores. They float in the air, just like pollen and thrive in damp areas such as bathrooms and basements. You will also find them in piles of leaves and grass.

When you are allergic to mold, you experience the same symptoms as when you are allergic to pollen and dust mites. When allergies strike, you experience itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, congestion, and coughing.

To avoid allergies, avoid mold and get rid of anything that encourages its growth. You also should repair any water damage or leaks in your home.

If you have indoor plants, keep them inside as the soil can hold mold putting you at increased risk for allergies.  When raking leaves, always wear a mask.


Did you know you can develop allergic reactions from eating a certain food? You should note that food allergies don’t result because there is a questionable food substance, but because your body confuses it to be harmful and reacts to it.

According to food allergy research and education organization, over 15 million people are suffering from food allergies in the United States.

You can be allergic to any food, but most people are sensitive to eggs, soy, tree nuts, cow’s milk, wheat, shellfish, and fish. If you aren’t sure of the food you are allergic to, visit an allergy doctor Germantown MD, to test you.

Food allergies are characterized by diarrhoea, dizziness, vomiting, hives, swollen tongue, and tingling in the mouth.

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Effective Allergy Treatment Options You Should Try Out

medication allergies

Allergies are brought about by different things, including pollen, food, and medication. According to the center for disease control (CDC), over 50 million Americans suffer from allergic reactions every year. To ease the condition, you have to seek treatment. The allergy treatment you go for depends on the cause and severity of the reaction.

What is an allergic reaction?

You are said to have an allergic reaction when the cells in the immune system recognize a foreign substance or allergen as harmful. The immune system overreacts to the allergen and produces histamine, a chemical that causes allergy symptoms such as sneezing, inflammation, and coughing.

If you have mild reactions, you can treat them with home remedies and over the counter medications, but if suffering from chronic allergies, you need a medical professional.

Reducing the allergy symptoms

You can reduce the symptoms in various ways with the most common ones being:

Antihistamines: They help in the treatment of most minor allergic reactions regardless of their cause. Antihistamines reduce the body’s production of histamine, which reduces all the symptoms, including skin reactions, sneezing, and watery eyes.

Antihistamines are designed to deliver the medication closer to the source of the reaction. They come in various forms that include: liquids, oral pills, eye drops, dissolvable tablets, and nasal sprays.

You can buy antihistamines from your local store or online. According to medical news today, you can also take antihistamines to prevent allergies. For example, if you suffer from seasonal or pet allergies, you can start taking the antihistamines if you know you are going to be exposed to the allergens.

While antihistamines are highly effective, they are contraindicated for pregnant women and those with liver disorders.

Nasal decongestants: They include sprays, liquids, and pills. They significantly reduce stuffy, swollen sinuses, and related systems such as coughing and sore throat. Just like antihistamines, you can buy nasal decongestants over the counter or online.

You should note that while the medications are highly effective, you shouldn’t take them continuously for more than 72 hours.

Stay away from the allergen: The best and most effective way of treating and preventing the allergic reaction is to avoid the allergen. If you are allergic to seasonal allergens such as pollen, you can avoid them by staying indoors and avoiding getting out when the pollen count is high.

Do you suffer from food allergies? You can simply avoid them by avoiding the foods that your body reacts to.

When it’s impossible to stay away from allergies, such as when you have to work with a high pollen count outside, use antihistamines or decongestants.

Use a saline sinus rinse: When the allergies are causing a sinus problem, the American Academy of allergy, asthma, and immunology (AAAAI) recommends that you rinse your sinuses with saline. The saline removes the allergens and clears the airways. For best results, you should follow this saline recipe:

  • Mix 3 teaspoons of salt (without iodide) with 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • Add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to 8 ounces of boiled water
  • Dissolve the mixture in the water then use a saline rinse

You should purchase rinsing devices online or from your local pharmacy.

Treating skin allergies

If you have any allergic reaction that is known to affect the skin, there are plenty of treatment options you can go with. The best ones being:

Moisturizing creams: Use Emollient creams with soothing ingredients such as calamine

Ice pack: Applying an ice pack in a cloth to an area for 10-15 minute intervals is highly effective at reducing the inflammation.

Topical corticosteroid creams or tablets: From their name, corticosteroids are products containing steroids that come in handy at reducing inflammation and itching. You can find mild forms of the creams online, but for stronger versions, you have to get a prescription from your doctor.

Bite or sting medication: This is a medication targeted to reduce allergic reactions to insect bites or stings.

Treating severe allergies

When you are suffering from severe allergies, you can easily lose your life, so it’s wise you avoid over the counter medications. Instead, visit an allergy clinic Manassas VA, and the allergy doctor will diagnose your condition and recommend the best medication for your condition.

Treatment options for severe allergies include: immunotherapy, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, oral cromolyn, and drug desensitization therapy.

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What Does An Allergist Do On First Visit?

Have you recently noticed having breathing problem? Has your chest become tighter and you are coughing and wheezing more frequently? You are most likely suffering from allergies and its time you visited an allergist.

The doctor will examine you and come up with a treatment plan. Your primary care physician can recommend the professional, or you may have to find one by yourself.

What should you expect on your first visit?

Just like with any other health care professional, you should expect the doctor to ask plenty of questions about your condition, your history, and any other details that will help him/her know more about you. During your visit you should discuss:

  • Your symptoms, how long you have had them and how severe they are
  • The triggers you might have observed
  • Reactions you might have had that required emergency care
  • Your family’s allergy history
  • Known allergies and past treatments

After discussing the issues with your doctor, he/she will undertake a physical examination, checking the areas of your body that are common with allergies. The most common areas are: throat, eyes, nose, ears, skin, lungs, and chest.

Depending on your condition, the doctor will determine whether you need allergy tests. Two of the most common tests you might have to undertake are skin prick and blood test.

In the skin prick test, the doctor pricks a small amount of liquid allergen onto your arm or back. If you are sensitive to the allergen, a small raised bump will appear. This test is quick (it takes just 30 minutes) and accurate.

Sometimes the doctor might recommend the blood test if you are unable to undertake the skin test. This might be due to sensitive skin, or your medication regimen brings about a skin reaction. The doctor will take the blood sample and send it to the laboratory for testing.

Sometimes the results come back the same day, but sometimes they are given to you after a few days.

What should you carry with you?

To make the life of the doctor easy and to increase the chances of the doctor coming up with the right medication plan for you, you should have as much information about your condition as possible.

You should know:

  • How long you have been having the symptoms
  • What you came into contact with for the symptoms to show up
  • The medications that you might have taken to treat the condition. If still taking the medicines, carry the medicines to the allergy clinic.
  • If you are having a skin allergy, consider taking photos of the affected area. This is because swellings and rashes tend to resolve with time.

What should you wear to the appointment?

There is no designated dress code, but since the doctor can undertake some tests, it’s wise you wear comfortable clothing that will give the doctor an easy time when administering the tests.

What questions should you ask?

Strive to ask as many questions as possible. You should know:

  • Whether you need any tests
  • What the tests will be for
  • What the test results mean
  • Whether you need any medication
  • Any side effects of taking the medications
  • When to revisit the doctor
  • What to expect from the allergy moving forward
  • How you should protect yourself from developing the allergies
  • What you should do during emergency allergic reactions

What treatment plans should you expect?

Depending on your condition, the doctor can recommend a wide range of treatment plans. They include:

Medications: The doctor can give you a variety of preventative and as-needed allergy medications aimed at easing the symptoms.

Allergen avoidance: If your condition isn’t severe, the doctor might advise you to stay away from the allergens. This might involve staying indoors during the allergy season. You might also be required to stay away from the pets.

Non-medical therapies: The doctor can also recommend that you use eye drops or nasal washes to reduce the symptoms.

What should you take away?

If the doctor gives you some medications, you should go with them. You also should ask the allergy doctor Germantown MD about additional resources that can help you understand the condition better. These can be books, websites, or videos.

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Can You Use Natural Allergy Treatment In Toddlers?

allergy treatment

Allergies are at their worst in spring and autumn when there are a lot of allergy triggers in the air. While there are many conventional allergy treatment options that are recommended by an allergy doctor, you should try out natural remedies.

Why do kids get allergies?

Although genetics has a role in their development, allergies and asthma are also brought about by a weakened immune system and other factors that include:

Nutrient deficiency: Vitamin A, C, D, and zinc play a vital role in a kid’s immune system, so when a kid is taking a diet that is high or low in the above nutrients, he/she is bound to develop allergies.

Toxin overload: Pesticides, heavy metals, preservatives, and smog have been shown to increase the risk of developing allergies and eczema.

Excessive cleanliness: Cleanliness is second to Godliness, but when you are obsessed with germs and getting rid of them, you tend to weaken the body; hence your kid keeps on developing allergic reactions.

Think about it. How did humans evolve and thrive in environments that were full of mud, bugs, microbes, and parasites? When their bodies were exposed to all to these, they hardened; hence they were able to keep off most of the allergens.

An imbalance of gut microbes: If you thought microbes only brought diseases, you are wrong as they also make you healthy. When there is an imbalance of gut microbes, the immune system doesn’t function as well as it should, which puts the kid at the risk of developing allergies.

Are natural remedies effective?

As mentioned above, when you take your child to a doctor, the doctor is most likely to prescribe over the counter antihistamines, epinephrine, and prescription antihistamines.

While there are plenty of powerful natural remedies that you can use to soothe allergies, you should be cautious of them.

These remedies are effective when the kid is suffering from mild allergic symptoms. This means you should never use the remedies on severe reactions as they might not be effective.

To be safe, always talk to your child’s doctor before you try a new treatment for the allergies.

Natural remedies for allergies and asthma in kids

While the over the counter medications prescribed by the allergy specialist offer quick relief and are highly effective at controlling the signs of allergies, they often don’t get to the root cause of the allergies.

What is the best next alternative? Using natural remedies. Some of the best ones you should try out include:

Probiotics for the gut

A large percentage of the child’s immune system is found within and around the gut, so it’s no surprise that the microbes living in the gut have a significant impact on the immune health of the child.

To prevent allergies, the Childs mother should take the probiotic supplements during pregnancy, and at birth, the child will have developed an immunity.

In addition to probiotics, you also should ensure that the little one eats plenty of fiber-rich foods that will feed the gut microbes. Some of the best foods are vegetables and fruits.


Homeopathy makes use of tiny doses of substances, usually herbal, that stimulate healing. Since homeopathy doesn’t involve chemicals, it’s safe for the little ones.

Two of the homeopathy treatments you should try out are:

Allium cepa 30C: Comes in handy at treating runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and irritated nose.

Kali-bichromicum 30C: This helps with persistent sinus congestion.

Foods and vitamins

You want to feed your child foods that will support digestion and your child’s immune health. Some of the best foods to try out are soups, vegetables, and bone broth.

Of course, you should steer clear of foods such as wheat, pasteurized dairy, and others are known to trigger allergic reactions.

You also should go for foods that supply the child with enough vitamins. If you don’t have access to nutrient-rich foods, take supplements.

One of the best ones is cod liver oil. It’s an excellent source of fat-soluble vitamins A and D, which are vital for a strong immune system.

It’s also wise you give your child omega-3 fatty acids that help in managing inflammation.

Remember, not all-natural remedies are right for your child. To avoid complications, always talk to your allergy specialist doctor Germantown MD before you try out the natural remedies.

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