How to prevent childhood allergies

childhood allergies

Allergies have almost doubled over the last 20 years, with an increasing occurrence in childhood allergies such as hay fever, asthma, eczema and food allergies. These allergies can trouble your child a lot. You can visit an allergy clinic during pregnancy to consult the allergy specialist. It is because heredity plays big role in developing allergies. If one or both parent have allergies, child is likely to inherit their allergies.

Preventing childhood allergies

You would probably do anything when you are pregnant to save your baby from developing allergies. It is good to take precautionary measures when you are pregnant to prevent childhood allergies. You will have to take medication and make some lifestyle changes to protect your child from allergies. A healthy balance of nutrients is required for a strong immune system.

Reducing allergy risk

Probiotics contain good bacteria that enrich babies. This ingredient strengthens immune system and reduces allergy risk. Many allergy doctors recommend Probiotics. Pregnant ladies should consume probiotics to reduce the childhood allergies.

Breastfeed your child at least 6 months, this reduces the risk of allergies. Mother’s milk is very good for baby’s health. It boosts immune system and protects infants against allergies and infections. However, breastfeeding is not feasible for every woman.

Do not introduce your baby with solid foods too early. This can develop food allergies or food intolerances in your baby. Kids cannot handle immune challenges from new foods before 6 month of the age as their metabolism is under-developed. Avoid giving solid foods to your baby before 6 month. Also, be very cautious while you start feeding them solid foods.

Children are commonly allergic to wheat, milk, eggs, gluten, soy and peanuts. If your child develops allergy symptoms after eating any of these foods, don’t panic. Take him or her to allergy doctor. The allergy doctor will not only treat your child, but also conduct allergy tests to determine the seriousness of allergies.

Note: This article does not replace the allergy doctor’s advice. You should always consult with a qualified allergy doctor before making any changes in allergy treatment. Everyone has different type of allergy condition and different remedies work on them.

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Are allergies contagious?

skin allergiesAllergies occur when immune system works improperly. Unlike cold and flu, there are no bacteria or virus involved in allergic reactions. So, allergies are not contagious. It is all about your individual inclination towards allergy. Whether its food allergy, skin allergy, eye allergy or seasonal allergy, it will not spread from one person to another. It means you will not get allergy by coming into contact with an allergy sufferer, but allergy symptoms will get triggered if you come into contact with allergens. However, allergy sufferers should consult an allergy specialist for allergy relief.

Are allergy symptoms contagious?

Allergic reactions are caused due to unique response of immune system of the individual person. Allergens that result allergy symptoms in one person may not result the same symptoms in someone else, even if both of them have the same condition.

The allergies themselves are not contagious, but there are many issues to regard. When there is a problem with the indoor air, people with airway problems or allergies will get troubled sooner, but others could be affected as well. Also allergic conditions may change with age. The degree of sensitivity towards allergens will change with your age. Allergic reactions troubles a lot during childhood then get resurfaced during adolescence.

Allergies and heredity

Well, allergies do have connection from family history. If one of the parents have allergies, then there are 50% chances that child will inherit allergies. And if both parents have allergies, then there are 70% or higher chances that child will inherit their allergies. So, genetics can play a major role in developing allergy symptoms.

While you can’t catch allergies, you can inherit them. However, parents should follow a healthy lifestyle and take precautions to minimize the chances of transferring their allergies to their child. Also, unhealthy lifestyle during pregnancy may make your child more prone to allergies.

Allergic parents should see an allergy doctor during pregnancy. Allergy doctor can prescribe you the apt medication. Proper nutrition and lifestyle can somehow save your newborn from allergies.

IMPORTANT: This information does not replace doctor’s advice. Please consult your allergy doctor before making any changes in your lifestyle or medication.

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Red, Itchy, Watery Eyes? How to Treat Ocular Allergies

eye allergy doctor

Eye allergy occurs when allergens irritates the delicate membrane of your eyes i.e. conjunctiva. Just like other allergies, ocular allergies triggered when the immune system recognizes harmless substances as allergens. Eye allergies badly hurt eyes. People should immediately visit an allergy clinic and seek medical attention as soon as allergy symptoms are noticed.

Eye Allergy Overview

The most common causes of ocular allergies are seasonal allergens such as mold spores and pollen. These allergens can make your eyes red, watery, itchy, swollen. People with allergic rhinitis generally notice their allergy symptoms aggravate when they go outside during high pollen counts days. However, indoor allergens like dust mites and animal dander can also trigger eye allergy symptoms.

Eye allergy symptoms can be really very irritating. Yet they are a little threatening to vision other than short-term blurriness. Unlike conditions such as red eye, eye allergies are not contagious. Eye allergy symptoms usually last for several hours if you are no longer in contact with the allergen.

Eye allergies may affect one or both eyes. These allergies can be categories as –acute eye allergies and chronic eye allergies. Acute eye allergies last for short period of time. On the other hand, if allergy symptoms last for a long period of time, the condition becomes chronic.

Types of eye allergies

There are 2 types of eye allergies –seasonal eye allergies and perennial eye allergies.

Seasonal eye allergies occur only at certain time of the year. Early spring, summer and fall are the most troubling seasons. Seasonal allergies happen when you come in the direct contact with the outdoor allergens. It is possible to avoid seasonal allergies by avoiding the allergens.

Perennial eye allergies can occur throughout the year. They happen when you come into contact with allergens that remain active in every season of the year, such as dust mites, animal dander, smoke, cosmetics and medicines.

Eye allergies can be serious. You should not avoid eye allergy symptoms. Eyes are one of the most delicate parts of the human body. So, you should visit eye allergy specialist to get your allergy treated in the correct manner.

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How to Keep Your Kids Happy Despite Allergies

allergy doctorSeasonal allergies are really very annoying. They can degrade the quality of life. It is not easy for adults to handle seasonal allergy symptoms and it becomes even more difficult for kids to deal with the allergy symptoms. Allergies can make even the happiest kid miserable during the peak allergy season. Grown-ups can easily explain their problems to allergy specialists but young children are not able to verbally express how they are feeling. It is essential for parents to understand these symptoms when their kids are experiencing them.

Keeping Kids Happy Despite Allergy Symptoms

Kids require extra pampering when they fight with the allergy symptoms. By providing a little more care, you can actually alleviate the allergy symptoms. However, managing allergy symptoms begins with medical assessment. DIY treatment is not an option when it comes to the allergy sensitive kids. Whenever, you notice allergy symptoms, you should immediately take your child to allergy clinic.

Tips to Help Kids Cope With Allergy Symptoms

Stay Inside: Staying inside might appear difficult when the weather is good, but you can save your child from coming into contact with the allergens. So check weather forecast before going out and when the pollen count is high, try to keep your kids indoors.

Use a humidifier: It is not easy for allergic kids to inhale dry air. Humidifier may add a little more moisture to indoor air of your home. However, be cautious while using humidifier. Do not overuse the humidifier, as they can encourage mold and dust mite growth.

Make a hot tea: If your child is struggling with sore throat, sneezing and sniffling, you can prepare a hot tea to soothe allergy symptoms. Use honey and lemon to add flavor to your tea.

Keep your child hydrated: If your child continuously blow his/ her nose or sneeze, it might be because of dehydration. Always keep a clean water bottle near you and encourage your child to keep drinking water.

Give allergy medication: Allergy medication plays an important role in alleviating the allergy symptoms. Kids are not going to take their medication on time. So, it is responsibility of parents to give allergy medication on time.

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What to Do If You’re Allergic to Your Pet?

 pet allergens

One of the biggest dilemmas families have when deciding to get a pet is allergies. It is good to consider all possible consequences before getting a pet. People who are sensitive towards environmental allergens may face problem because of animal dander. Furry animals may trigger intolerable allergy conditions. Animal furs may aggravate seasonal allergy symptoms, but it doesn’t mean that you cannot have a pet. By taking precautionary measures and allergy treatment, you can live with pets.

Are You Allergic to Your Pet?

Touching or inhaling animals lead to allergic reactions. The most common pet allergens are animal dander, urine, saliva and sebaceous cells. Any animal can trigger allergy symptoms, but cats and dogs are the most common culprits. People can also develop allergy symptoms from exotic animals such as guinea pigs, ferrets, birds, rabbits and rodents. There is no specific species or breed to which humans cannot develop allergies. Also, fur type, color or length will not affect or prevent allergies.

Once you get diagnosed with pet allergy, your allergy specialist may recommend minimizing the contact with your pet. Isn’t it Heartbreaking? Yes. Is it necessary? Not always. Well, many people are allergic to several things along with pets, such as molds, dust mites, and pollens, all of which can be found in the environment. Allergy symptoms result from the total cumulative allergen contact. That means if you eliminate some of the other allergens from your life, you may not have to leave your pet.

Enjoy Life with Pets Even if You Have Pet Allergies

Create an allergen free room: Limit your exposure to allergens as much as you can. Keep doors and windows of your room closed. And do not allow your pet to enter in your room.

Vacuum frequently: You can minimize your contact with allergens by keeping your place clean.

Install an air purifier: Air purifier will purify the air you breathe.

Invest in washable pet bedding: Washable bedding will make your cleaning chore easy.

So, decontaminate your home environment, limit future exposure to allergens, find an allergy doctor who will work with you, and enjoy with your pet.

Important: This information does not replace doctor’s advice. Please consult with your doctor before trying anything new.

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Enjoy the Great Outdoors During Allergy Season

allergy clinic

Just because you are sensitive towards outdoor allergens, does not mean you cannot take bliss of the great outdoors. Outdoor allergens might give you a runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezes and cough, but you can prevent seasonal allergy symptoms by taking preventive measures and consulting an allergy specialist.  There are several ways you can try to manage your allergy symptoms and still enjoy your favorite outdoor activities.

Enjoy the Outdoors with Allergies

If you are sensitive towards outdoor allergens, your immune system considers certain outdoor elements an invader. To protect you from those invaders, the immune system generates antibodies that cause allergic reactions in your body. Allergy management can be done with proper allergy medications and precautions.

How to Beat Your Allergies and Enjoy Outdoors

Understand your allergens: In order to avoid allergens, you should know your allergens. For this purpose, you can visit an allergy clinic and opt for an allergy test. The allergy doctor will conduct blood, urine and skin pick test.

Check Pollen Count: Pollen is one of the most common outdoor allergens. Many people develop allergy symptoms after coming into contact with pollens. The easiest way of avoiding pollen allergies is to avoid pollens. Thus, check pollen count before stepping out of the home.

Know the best and worst time to go outside: Always check weather forecast before planning outings. Avoid going out in windy, cloudy, hot and dry weather. Allergy symptoms become worse under such conditions.

Carry your allergy medication: As you know “precaution is better than cure”. No matter how thoroughly you plan your outing, weather conditions can change abruptly. Any outdoor element can trigger allergy symptoms. Thus, it is always a wise decision to carry allergy medication whenever you go out.

Dress for outdoor allergens: You can avoid direct contact with allergens by wearing hats, sunglasses, full-sleeves clothes etc.

Anticipate allergens when traveling: You are going to get into contact with outdoor allergens when traveling. It is always a good idea to see your allergy and asthma doctor before traveling. Your doctor may prescribe you allergy medication that will help you in keeping your allergy symptoms under control.

Important: This information does not replace a doctor’s advice.

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9 Home Remedies for Allergies Sneezing

When many people start sneezing, they rush to the nearest allergy doctor to get pills. While there is nothing wrong with this, but you end up spending a lot of money that you could have saved had you tried controlling the situation at home using one of the many home remedies.

Wondering which remedies are best? Here are 9 home remedies for allergies sneezing to try out:

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, grapefruit, and others contain powerful antioxidants that help build the immune system. These flavonoids help in fighting against unwanted bacteria causing cold and other allergies.

When you are sneezing, load up on the fruits. The cool thing is you don’t have to be fancy about how you take the fruits. Simply eating them raw is enough. If you have time, you can make juice from the fruits and put off the allergies.


Tumeric is known as an anti-inflammatory powerhouse for a good reason. The active ingredient is curcumin, and it has been shown to reduce the symptoms of many inflammatory-driven diseases significantly. Due to this, Tumeric can significantly reduce the swelling and irritation associated with sneezing.

You can take Tumeric in plenty of ways. You can take it in tea, tinctures, pills, or eaten as food. Whether you are taking turmeric as a supplement or using it in cooking, use piperine, pepper, or pair turmeric with black pepper.

The purpose for doing this is because black pepper has been shown to increase the bioavailability of Curcumin increasing turmeric’s effectiveness at reducing sneezing.


Ginger has been proven to reduce swelling and irritation in the eyes, nasal passages, and throat, easing the sneezing. Ginger contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory phytochemical compounds that also come in handy at reducing the complications associated with sneezing.

When it comes to eating ginger, studies show that there is no better way to take it as it’s effective whether you take it fresh or dried so you can take it in curries, stir-fries, tea, in baked foods, or in any other way.


Besides being a sacred Indian plant, Tulsi leaves have powerful antibacterial properties that can fight a wide range of dangerous infections, including sneezing. Boil a cup of water with 3-4 Tulsi leaves, then consume them daily before bed. For best results, take the leaves for 2-3 days.


Do you want to get rid of the sneezing as soon as possible? Try zinc. One of the best ways to get zinc is from zinc supplements that are rich in immunity-boosting agents. But if you don’t have the money to buy the supplements, look for legumes, seeds, and nuts rich in zinc to boost your immunity.

Some of the best options you can’t go wrong with are: pumpkin seeds, oats, oysters, lean beef, crabs, hemp seeds, chickpeas, black beans, cashews, and plenty of others.

Sitopaladi Churna

It’s known to cure congestion and is highly effective at treating respiratory issues. To stop the sneezing, mix one teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of sitopaladi churna. To see results, you should take the mixture for 2-3 days.


Amla is rich in antioxidants and has anti-bacterial properties which help build your immunity. The cool thing is you can take Amla in the form of juice or eat it fresh. To improve your sneezing condition, take Amla 2-3 times a day for at least three days.


Did you know you can get rid of sneezing by taking tomatoes? One medium-sized tomato contains about 26% of your recommended daily value of vitamin C. Tomatoes also contain lycopene, an antioxidant that is highly effective at quelling systemic inflammation.

Lycopene is easily absorbed when cooked so to get the most from the tomatoes, take the tomatoes when canned or cooked.

Stay indoors

If your sneezing comes about during the high allergy seasons, you should choose to stay indoors. The above home remedies should work, but if you have tried them out and aren’t working, don’t hesitate to visit an allergy specialist doctor Manassas VA for testing.

After testing, the doctor will tell you the source of the sneezing and what you should do to alleviate the situation. The doctor will also prescribe medication to control your condition.

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What Are The 10 Most Common Allergies?

Are you curious to know what are the 10 most common allergies? Here they are as given by an allergy specialist doctor:

Pollen allergies

If you experience allergic reactions such as coughing and sneezing during summer, spring, and fall, you most likely have pollen allergies. Most people refer to these allergies as seasonal allergic rhinitis or hay fever.

Whatever name you call them, you experience the condition when you breathe in air containing pollen. Common symptoms of the condition are sneezing, nasal congestion, and runny nose.

To get relief for the condition, you should avoid or reduce your exposure to the allergen. There are also some over the counter medications you can take. If suffering from itching and congestion, you can get relief by taking nasal sprays or immunotherapy tablets.

Food allergies

It’s estimated that over 20 million Americans suffer from one form of food allergy. You are said to be allergic to food when your immune system responds to certain foods. Although, most food allergies develop in childhood, they often disappear later in life.

Some of the common food allergies are:

Gluten allergies

You will find gluten in different grains, including wheat, rye, and barley. These allergies are common in people suffering from celiac disease, so when they consume food with gluten, they trigger their immune system.

The result is a reaction that damages the lining of their gastrointestinal tract, which leads to poor absorption of nutrients from food. When you go for a long time without seeking treatment, you risk suffering from infertility, osteoporosis, and nerve damage.

Egg allergies

While eggs are an excellent source of proteins and a key ingredient in many dishes, some people can’t tolerate eggs in their diet. Common symptoms of egg allergies include: runny nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing.

Some people experience even worse symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps.

If you suffer from egg allergies, the best solution is to avoid eggs as much as possible. When buying canned foods, carefully look at the ingredients in the labels. As a rule of thumb, avoid any foods that might be containing eggs. These include: eggnog, meringue, mayonnaise, and some types of salad dressing.

Peanut allergies

Peanuts can cause mild to dangerous allergic reactions. Common symptoms of the condition include: hives, swelling, and extreme redness. Mild symptoms of the condition include: runny nose and itchy eyes. You also tend to experience itching and tingling in the throat.

Extreme symptoms include: vomiting, diarrhoea, nausea, and abdominal cramps.

Peanut allergies often develop during childhood, but few people develop the condition later on in life.

If you know you are allergic to peanuts and accidentally come into contact with them, you should drink plenty of water. Since people suffering from the allergies release high histamine levels and other mediator substances, staying hydrated prevents excessive histamine production.

Milk allergies

If you find yourself vomiting, wheezing or suffering from digestive problems after drinking or taking food rich in milk, you most likely suffer from milk allergies. When suffering from the condition, you should take antihistamines to reduce the symptoms. In severe cases, you should get an adrenaline injection and admission to the emergency room.

Some of the severe symptoms you can have are: drop in blood pressure, difficulty breathing, and a weak pulse.

Drug allergies

Anyone can be allergic to any drug, whether herbal, prescription, or over the counter. While this is the case, some medications are likely to cause allergic reactions than others. If you experience fever, rash, or hives after taking a tablet or a pill, you may be experiencing a drug allergy.

The best way to control allergies is to stop using the drug immediately.

Pet allergies

It’s common for allergic proteins to be present in the pets’ saliva, cells, skin, and urine. If you experience sneezing or runny nose when you contact a pet, you most likely are suffering from a pet allergy. Common signs of the allergies include: difficulty breathing and wheezing.

The cool thing is pet allergies disappear after some time while some pet owners develop immunity to their pets after some time.

If the symptoms are serious, you should take antihistamines to block the effects of the proteins that trigger the symptoms.

Dust mite allergies

Dust mites are tiny bugs that live in house dust. When you are suffering from the allergies, you experience a runny nose, sneezing and other asthma-like symptoms. Allergy doctor Manassas VA recommends antihistamine tablets to relief dust mite allergy symptoms.

Mold allergies

You suffer from mold allergies when you inhale mold spores. Common symptoms include: itching, sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, and dry skin. Treatment options for the condition include: antihistamines, corticosteroids, and nasal sprays.

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Foods to Avoid During Allergy Season

Did you know you could be eating foods that are worsening your allergies?

Certain foods contain histamines that can lead to itching, sneezing, headache, or even coughing and you have to visit an allergy physician to get treatment.

Whether you are suffering from seasonal allergies or any other form of allergy, you should avoid these foods:


As attractive as it looks, wine can be harmful when suffering from allergies. Wine contains high levels of histamines that are responsible for swelling, congestion, itching, redness, and other symptoms.

Wine also packs other substances that can make you stuffed up. The drink also has LTP, a protein in the skin of grapes that can trigger congestion.

Daily products

Daily products have casein, a milk protein that increases mucus production and an immune system irritant.

Some people switch to nonfat milk products hoping the allergies will go away, but they don’t as these products have the same amount of milk protein as their full-fat varieties.

If you have noticed that your allergies flare up when you take daily products, avoid anything with casein. When you are out shopping, carefully read the product labels and ensure they don’t contact any casein.

You can substitute sheep’s and goat’s milk for cow’s milk as the two have different protein composition and don’t cause sinus and allergy and immune system problems that come from cow’s milk.

Aged cheese

If you have felt stuffed up or have experienced a runny nose after eating aged cheese, it’s not in your imagination. Studies show that certain microbes in aged cheese can produce allergy-like reactions, so if you have had issues in the past with the cheese, it’s wise you stay away from it.

Fresh fruits

Most of the fresh fruits in the market are healthy and beneficial to your body, but other varieties including berries have a protein in their skin similar to pollen.

If you know you are allergic to alder or birch pollen, avoid these berries as the body sees the fresh fruit as a toxin and releases histamines to fight it, leading to symptoms such as rashes, swelling, and gastrointestinal issues.

Other symptoms you might have when you take the fruits include: scratchy throat and a runny nose.

Spicy foods

Spicy foods are known to clear out sinuses and the nasal passages and thin out mucus, which is a good thing, but sometimes the symptoms are dramatic and annoying, especially when you are suffering from gustatory rhinitis.

This is a condition where people develop allergic irritation from spicy foods and end up sneezing or with a runny nose.

If you always get irritated when you take chili, swear off the hot stuff.

Red meat

You should stay away from red meat if you suffer from an Alpha-gal allergy. This is a sudden severe allergy that results when you are exposed to red meat. Experts believe that ticks pick up a sugar molecule known as alpha-gal from their prey then transfer it to their next victim.

If you take red meat and you notice symptoms such as nausea, hives, or difficulty in breathing, chances are you are allergic to meat and you should stay away from it.

Herbal tea

Everyone living a healthy lifestyle will tell you to take herbal tea. While it’s healthy, it’s made from flowers, grasses, and plants that can cross-react with plant pollen causing allergies.


Although alcohol rarely causes allergies, it can cause stuffiness. Alcohol causes dilation of the blood vessels which contributes to flushed skin and congestion.

The last thing you want when you are suffering from allergies is anything that adds to the symptoms. Unfortunately, alcohol does this so you should avoid it.

How do you know the foods to avoid?

Studies show that many people are suffering from allergies but they don’t know the allergens they are allergic to. If this is you, you should visit an allergist Manassas VA for allergy testing. The doctor will take a skin or blood sample and find out the kind of allergy you have.

The doctor will also recommend the best treatment options to go with and the foods to take and those to avoid.

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What Is Considered A Serious Allergic Reaction?

If you are asking, what is considered a serious allergic reaction, you must be suffering from allergies, or you have someone close to you suffering from allergies and need to know when you should rush to the best allergist in your area, right?

If you are in this scenario, you are in luck as we have all the information you need. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Chest tightness

Due to allergies, your chest will tighten or even hurt. Sometimes your throat will feel tight or constricted.

In most cases, you will experience chest tightness when you are suffering from a severe food allergy, and when it happens, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Breathing changes

Strange breathing changes can be a sign of a severe allergic reaction either to a food or drug. In severe cases, you might experience a sudden wheezing or even feel like you can’t catch your breath.

You should seek immediate medical attention if your breathing changes almost immediately out of the blue as it could be anaphylaxis, which is a lethal reaction.


Most people allergic to dust, pollen, and other materials often sneeze, so many people have the impression it’s not a big deal. Unfortunately, it can be an early sign of a severe allergy, so you should get medical attention as soon as possible as the sneezing could get worse overtime.

For example, while the sneezing might not be serious now, it might worsen the next time you are exposed to the same allergen, putting your life at great risk.

Runny or stuffy nose

Like sneezing, most people don’t take a runny nose as a serious condition as in most cases you have it when you take in contaminated air. Common causes of the condition include: pollen, cleansers, spores, detergents, and many others.

While in most cases, a runny nose is not an issue, it warrants attention if you start sneezing an hour after taking a new drug as you might be allergic to the said drug, which is life-threatening.


Also known as urticaria, hives are red, itchy lumps that are often ugly to look at. The lumps pop up when you come into contact with chemicals, drugs, foods, or any other thing you are allergic to.

Hives alone are often nothing to vex about, but when you have them along with wheezing or swollen lips, you should seek immediate medical attention as they are a sign of a more severe reaction.

Swollen tongue or lips

Most people allergic to nuts know this condition better than anyone else. You are taking your favorite food, then bam! Out of nowhere, your mouth, lips, or tongue swells up.

The reason you should be worried about swelling is because it makes breathing hard, which is life-threatening, so when your tongue or lips begin to swell, it’s time to see an expert.


It might sound strange, but it’s true. When you are confused, or you have a feeling of doom, you might be suffering from a severe food allergy, and you should see a food allergy doctor as soon as possible.

How does an allergic reaction make you confused?

Allergy doctors have the impression that it’s linked to a sudden drop in blood pressure, and there is no way you can function with low blood pressure, so seek medical attention as soon as possible.


When people think about severe allergies, this is the first thing that comes to their mind. If not treated early and properly, anaphylaxis can lead to a quick death.

You are said to be having anaphylaxis when you have trouble breathing, itching, hives, pale skin, anxiety, and vomiting. In most cases, the symptoms start a few minutes after you come into contact with the allergen.

Anaphylaxis often occurs when you are highly allergic to food, drugs, latex, or even insect bites. In addition to seeking immediate medical attention, ask the allergy doctor Germantown MD to find out the cause for the condition so you can avoid it in the future to avoid a severe condition from coming about.

To increase the chances of receiving accurate results, you should work with an expert doctor who will undertake thorough and proper diagnostics.

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