What Is Considered A Serious Allergic Reaction?

If you are asking, what is considered a serious allergic reaction, you must be suffering from allergies, or you have someone close to you suffering from allergies and need to know when you should rush to the best allergist in your area, right?

If you are in this scenario, you are in luck as we have all the information you need. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Chest tightness

Due to allergies, your chest will tighten or even hurt. Sometimes your throat will feel tight or constricted.

In most cases, you will experience chest tightness when you are suffering from a severe food allergy, and when it happens, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Breathing changes

Strange breathing changes can be a sign of a severe allergic reaction either to a food or drug. In severe cases, you might experience a sudden wheezing or even feel like you can’t catch your breath.

You should seek immediate medical attention if your breathing changes almost immediately out of the blue as it could be anaphylaxis, which is a lethal reaction.


Most people allergic to dust, pollen, and other materials often sneeze, so many people have the impression it’s not a big deal. Unfortunately, it can be an early sign of a severe allergy, so you should get medical attention as soon as possible as the sneezing could get worse overtime.

For example, while the sneezing might not be serious now, it might worsen the next time you are exposed to the same allergen, putting your life at great risk.

Runny or stuffy nose

Like sneezing, most people don’t take a runny nose as a serious condition as in most cases you have it when you take in contaminated air. Common causes of the condition include: pollen, cleansers, spores, detergents, and many others.

While in most cases, a runny nose is not an issue, it warrants attention if you start sneezing an hour after taking a new drug as you might be allergic to the said drug, which is life-threatening.


Also known as urticaria, hives are red, itchy lumps that are often ugly to look at. The lumps pop up when you come into contact with chemicals, drugs, foods, or any other thing you are allergic to.

Hives alone are often nothing to vex about, but when you have them along with wheezing or swollen lips, you should seek immediate medical attention as they are a sign of a more severe reaction.

Swollen tongue or lips

Most people allergic to nuts know this condition better than anyone else. You are taking your favorite food, then bam! Out of nowhere, your mouth, lips, or tongue swells up.

The reason you should be worried about swelling is because it makes breathing hard, which is life-threatening, so when your tongue or lips begin to swell, it’s time to see an expert.


It might sound strange, but it’s true. When you are confused, or you have a feeling of doom, you might be suffering from a severe food allergy, and you should see a food allergy doctor as soon as possible.

How does an allergic reaction make you confused?

Allergy doctors have the impression that it’s linked to a sudden drop in blood pressure, and there is no way you can function with low blood pressure, so seek medical attention as soon as possible.


When people think about severe allergies, this is the first thing that comes to their mind. If not treated early and properly, anaphylaxis can lead to a quick death.

You are said to be having anaphylaxis when you have trouble breathing, itching, hives, pale skin, anxiety, and vomiting. In most cases, the symptoms start a few minutes after you come into contact with the allergen.

Anaphylaxis often occurs when you are highly allergic to food, drugs, latex, or even insect bites. In addition to seeking immediate medical attention, ask the allergy doctor Germantown MD to find out the cause for the condition so you can avoid it in the future to avoid a severe condition from coming about.

To increase the chances of receiving accurate results, you should work with an expert doctor who will undertake thorough and proper diagnostics.

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