Enjoy the Great Outdoors During Allergy Season

allergy clinic

Just because you are sensitive towards outdoor allergens, does not mean you cannot take bliss of the great outdoors. Outdoor allergens might give you a runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezes and cough, but you can prevent seasonal allergy symptoms by taking preventive measures and consulting an allergy specialist.  There are several ways you can try to manage your allergy symptoms and still enjoy your favorite outdoor activities.

Enjoy the Outdoors with Allergies

If you are sensitive towards outdoor allergens, your immune system considers certain outdoor elements an invader. To protect you from those invaders, the immune system generates antibodies that cause allergic reactions in your body. Allergy management can be done with proper allergy medications and precautions.

How to Beat Your Allergies and Enjoy Outdoors

Understand your allergens: In order to avoid allergens, you should know your allergens. For this purpose, you can visit an allergy clinic and opt for an allergy test. The allergy doctor will conduct blood, urine and skin pick test.

Check Pollen Count: Pollen is one of the most common outdoor allergens. Many people develop allergy symptoms after coming into contact with pollens. The easiest way of avoiding pollen allergies is to avoid pollens. Thus, check pollen count before stepping out of the home.

Know the best and worst time to go outside: Always check weather forecast before planning outings. Avoid going out in windy, cloudy, hot and dry weather. Allergy symptoms become worse under such conditions.

Carry your allergy medication: As you know “precaution is better than cure”. No matter how thoroughly you plan your outing, weather conditions can change abruptly. Any outdoor element can trigger allergy symptoms. Thus, it is always a wise decision to carry allergy medication whenever you go out.

Dress for outdoor allergens: You can avoid direct contact with allergens by wearing hats, sunglasses, full-sleeves clothes etc.

Anticipate allergens when traveling: You are going to get into contact with outdoor allergens when traveling. It is always a good idea to see your allergy and asthma doctor before traveling. Your doctor may prescribe you allergy medication that will help you in keeping your allergy symptoms under control.

Important: This information does not replace a doctor’s advice.

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