9 Home Remedies for Allergies Sneezing

When many people start sneezing, they rush to the nearest allergy doctor to get pills. While there is nothing wrong with this, but you end up spending a lot of money that you could have saved had you tried controlling the situation at home using one of the many home remedies.

Wondering which remedies are best? Here are 9 home remedies for allergies sneezing to try out:

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, grapefruit, and others contain powerful antioxidants that help build the immune system. These flavonoids help in fighting against unwanted bacteria causing cold and other allergies.

When you are sneezing, load up on the fruits. The cool thing is you don’t have to be fancy about how you take the fruits. Simply eating them raw is enough. If you have time, you can make juice from the fruits and put off the allergies.


Tumeric is known as an anti-inflammatory powerhouse for a good reason. The active ingredient is curcumin, and it has been shown to reduce the symptoms of many inflammatory-driven diseases significantly. Due to this, Tumeric can significantly reduce the swelling and irritation associated with sneezing.

You can take Tumeric in plenty of ways. You can take it in tea, tinctures, pills, or eaten as food. Whether you are taking turmeric as a supplement or using it in cooking, use piperine, pepper, or pair turmeric with black pepper.

The purpose for doing this is because black pepper has been shown to increase the bioavailability of Curcumin increasing turmeric’s effectiveness at reducing sneezing.


Ginger has been proven to reduce swelling and irritation in the eyes, nasal passages, and throat, easing the sneezing. Ginger contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory phytochemical compounds that also come in handy at reducing the complications associated with sneezing.

When it comes to eating ginger, studies show that there is no better way to take it as it’s effective whether you take it fresh or dried so you can take it in curries, stir-fries, tea, in baked foods, or in any other way.


Besides being a sacred Indian plant, Tulsi leaves have powerful antibacterial properties that can fight a wide range of dangerous infections, including sneezing. Boil a cup of water with 3-4 Tulsi leaves, then consume them daily before bed. For best results, take the leaves for 2-3 days.


Do you want to get rid of the sneezing as soon as possible? Try zinc. One of the best ways to get zinc is from zinc supplements that are rich in immunity-boosting agents. But if you don’t have the money to buy the supplements, look for legumes, seeds, and nuts rich in zinc to boost your immunity.

Some of the best options you can’t go wrong with are: pumpkin seeds, oats, oysters, lean beef, crabs, hemp seeds, chickpeas, black beans, cashews, and plenty of others.

Sitopaladi Churna

It’s known to cure congestion and is highly effective at treating respiratory issues. To stop the sneezing, mix one teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of sitopaladi churna. To see results, you should take the mixture for 2-3 days.


Amla is rich in antioxidants and has anti-bacterial properties which help build your immunity. The cool thing is you can take Amla in the form of juice or eat it fresh. To improve your sneezing condition, take Amla 2-3 times a day for at least three days.


Did you know you can get rid of sneezing by taking tomatoes? One medium-sized tomato contains about 26% of your recommended daily value of vitamin C. Tomatoes also contain lycopene, an antioxidant that is highly effective at quelling systemic inflammation.

Lycopene is easily absorbed when cooked so to get the most from the tomatoes, take the tomatoes when canned or cooked.

Stay indoors

If your sneezing comes about during the high allergy seasons, you should choose to stay indoors. The above home remedies should work, but if you have tried them out and aren’t working, don’t hesitate to visit an allergy specialist doctor Manassas VA for testing.

After testing, the doctor will tell you the source of the sneezing and what you should do to alleviate the situation. The doctor will also prescribe medication to control your condition.

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